هل أحكى لكى عن قصة قلبى؟ وعن قصة كيف وقع فى حبك؟ وأحبك؟ نعم سوف أحكى لك يا حبيبتى.
لقد كان قلبى قبل أن يتعرف عليك قلب جامد لا يعرف معنى الحب والشوق والهيام كل ما يعرفه أنه يريد أن يحب، ليس بمعنى أن يجرب ما هو الحب. ولكن أن يحب ويجرب الحب الحقيقى الذى يخرجه من حالة اللإحساس إلى حالة الإحساس بالحب والمحبوب أن يشعر بحب يزلزل كيانه ويقلب حياته رأسا على عقب. نعم حبيبتى هذا ما كان يريده قلبى ويبحث عنه، لقد بحثت عنك كثيرا وكثيرا، بحثت عنك فى وجوه جميع النساء، بحثت عن قلبك حبيبتى فلم أجده، أغلقت قلبى وأنتظرتك كثيرا، حاول كثيرون ان يفتحون باب قلبى ويعرفون ما به أو أن يدخلوا قلبى ولكن هيهات ، إن قلبى خلق لك وحدك، خلق لكى تسكنين به، وعندما وجدتك، وأحسست بك، لم أدرى ماذا أقول لقلبى، لقد قالها هو هذه هى اللى تبحث عنها، وانا اقول لة لأ إنها هى ليست، ودخلت فى صراع كبير مع قلبى، حتى إنتصر فى النهاية وجعلك وجعلتك أميرة قلبى ومولاتى.
Do tell in order for the story of my heart? And the story of how in love happened? And I love you? Yes will tell you, my dear.
I've had my heart before it knows what you rigid heart does not know the meaning of love and longing and passion all he knew he wanted to love, not in the sense to try out what love is. But to love and try his true love, who helmed state of Allahsas to feeling of love and the beloved to feel love shake of his being and turns his life upside down. Yes baby this is what he wanted my heart and looking for him, I have looked for you a lot and a lot, I looked you in the faces of all women, searched for your heart baby did not find him, closed my heart and waited too much, many tried to open the door of my heart and know what it or the men in my heart, but crying , that my heart create yourself, creating order Tsknin, and when and grandmother, and I felt, you did not know what to say to my heart, I have spoken is this is what I looking for, and I'll tell him no it is not, and has entered into a major conflict with my heart, even triumphed in the end, and made you and made you a princess my heart and Majesty.
Do tell in order for the story of my heart? And the story of how in love happened? And I love you? Yes will tell you, my dear.
I've had my heart before it knows what you rigid heart does not know the meaning of love and longing and passion all he knew he wanted to love, not in the sense to try out what love is. But to love and try his true love, who helmed state of Allahsas to feeling of love and the beloved to feel love shake of his being and turns his life upside down. Yes baby this is what he wanted my heart and looking for him, I have looked for you a lot and a lot, I looked you in the faces of all women, searched for your heart baby did not find him, closed my heart and waited too much, many tried to open the door of my heart and know what it or the men in my heart, but crying , that my heart create yourself, creating order Tsknin, and when and grandmother, and I felt, you did not know what to say to my heart, I have spoken is this is what I looking for, and I'll tell him no it is not, and has entered into a major conflict with my heart, even triumphed in the end, and made you and made you a princess my heart and Majesty.
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